We believe everyone should always follow their dreams.

In 2020 us three girls wanted to create something. Something that could change the way that people think of young girls owning a business. We started off by making profit off of lemonade stands. We would brainstorm everyday about business, and that's when we came up with the name Kazual. Kaz stands for, Kaitlyn, Addie, Zoe. By the end of 2021 we almost gave up, then we thought we needed to make ourselves proud. And that's what we did. 

We started to make money everyday to save up for ingredients and materials. We would make our neighborhood lemonade and bracelet stand for a good cause. Once we had bought all the materials, we spent hours, days, and weeks finding the perfect solution. Once we had done this we would research skin safe coloring and essential oils. 

We research and research for safe ingredients to make sugar scrubs with. Kaitlyn has eczema and most sugar scrubs will make her skin have rashes and bumps. We did multiple test runs and at the end we found one that is skin safe natural sugar scrubs. So, that is why are sugar scrubs are made from natural ingredients and supplies.

At the end of summer we started to experiment with our website. We started to build and structure our page to make it easy and pretty for everyone. It was such a long process while building our environment for our scrubs. Hours and days working and brainstorming all of these hard technical questions we had. 

Everything you see from us is all hard work and love. We hope you love it as much as we do.

Sincerely, The Kazual Scrubs Team

Zoe Grebinski

Kaitlyn Duneske

Addison Grebinski